The Magic Of Learning

Marco Liguori


Since the very first time I have been exposed to the class environment of Ghuri’s pre-school, I was impressed and touched by the joy in the children’s faces, the enthusiasm in their movements when they storm into the classroom, greet their teacher and sit on the bench.

I have later understood the reasons for this attitude: the children feel safe, respected and cared for. The intimate relationship they have with Ghuri pre-school founder and with the teacher allows them to be free as they are, to act instinctively, to be themselves without any barrier or fear.

I am convinced that the 2-3 hours they spend in the classroom are the highlight of their day.  

And when they get something accomplished, whether it is repeating the alphabet, writing a full sentence, succeeding in a calculation… it is magic… a moment of pure healthy pride to hear “well done” by their teacher!

One must put things into context: in most cases, the child is the very first person in the family history who enters the education system, who is learning to read and write (first generation learner) – it is uncharted territory for him or her, at such a young age. Tangible and intangible barriers and obstacles for the child to continue in the education path are everywhere.

This is why the encouragements and the continuous support of Ghuri staff are crucial in building a virtuous circle of trust and self-awareness in every child. The child, through his accomplishments, builds the strength and motivation to continue, despite the difficulties, because he is aware that the efforts produced in the classrooms are necessary to open the doors of future opportunities which will otherwise remain closed.

The feeling of joy and belonging in being at a place where they are respected and cared for, combined with the sense of continuous learning, progress and accomplishment are powerful positive ingredients, because we all know that a child will continue to go to school and feel happy and proud.

Every single member in Ghuri – all volunteers with one exception – is passionate and driven to accompany every child in its “education adventure”; I am personally very grateful to Ghuri leadership and staff for what they are doing and feel honored to be part of this adventure.

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